In order to save on living expenses incurred each month, there are cases in which various expenses are considered. In the winter, the amount of money going out on gas bill is bigger than I thought. When the bill comes out, you can know how much you have spent, but if you regularly check the bill throughout the use, you will spend even a little less. This time, I would like to tell you how to check the result of city gas rate calculation in a simple but detailed way. If you master it, you can check it in 10 seconds.
I’ll tell you how to calculate it yourself later, and I’ll tell you the easiest way to calculate your city gas bill right away. You can use a dedicated program available for free on the Daesung Clean Energy website.
Daesung Clean Energy website. Anyone who visits the site can calculate the cost of the city gas they are using without logging in here. Select “Fare Inquiry/Payment” from the menu and select “Simple Fee Calculator” that appears. 도시가스 요금계산
An easy-to-use program has appeared. You can get detailed results by selecting or entering a few values. First you need to select a product. There are cooking, heating, cooking and heating, general, office heating, and industrial use. Please select the city gas product you are using. 좋은뉴스
This time, please enter the usage period, previous month guidelines, and current guidelines. If you look at your city gas meter, there are numbers. Here, you can enter the rest of the numbers except for the last three digits in the instructions. If there is a person who applies to the rate discount section, please select it. Unlike other city gas rate calculators, here you can get a more accurate value than other places because it even reflects these rate discounts. There are several options available, such as livelihood benefits, medical benefits, housing benefits, education benefits, and more.
The result appeared. Just check the amount. Incidentally, you can check the amount of meter reading, consumption, calories, gas usage fee, basic fee, discount amount, value-added tax, and cut-off amount.
For reference, there may be differences in temperature and pressure correction coefficients and gas rates depending on the region. It’s not a big difference, but for that reason, we recommend that you use the result for reference only. Think of it as a simple calculation.
If you want to calculate your city gas bill yourself, please refer to the following calculation method. There are differences in the calculation method depending on the use such as cooking, individual heating, housing, and others.
If you want to check the unit price of city gas by region, please visit the website of the Korea City Gas Association. You can check the fee schedule here. Since it may change slightly every year, you need to access the site directly to obtain the latest year data to obtain an accurate value.