휴대폰 위치추적 cell phone location tracking

Today, we will learn how to track a cell phone location in a very simple way.
I am often confused about how to find my phone when I lose it.

At this time, when you want to track the location of your lost cell phone or your child’s cell phone

Let me tell you that you can find your lost phone in this way.

Anyone can easily track a lost phone using this method

One thing you need to know here is that you need to know the Google login account you are using. 휴대폰 위치추적


휴대폰 위치추적

First, go to the Google site https://www.google.com/ After going to Google, log in, 좋은뉴스

Click on the braille tile in the top right corner and click on your google account






Then a window like this will pop up, just scroll down the screen as it is.




Then there is an item called Find my phone like this.



Then, the cell phone you are using appears and click the arrow next to it.




You are asked to verify your identity, enter your password and verify your identity.





Then there is a button called Find like this, click the Find button

You can easily locate your lost phone

Here’s a quick guide on how to track a cell phone’s location.

Thank you to all the Google developers and officials who developed this feature.