Two round-trip lanes located at the upper part of Paldang Dam
If you use the Paldang Dam Management Bridge
Travel time between Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, Namyangju and Yangpyeong
It can be shortened a lot, but many people don’t know. 팔당댐 통행시간
Routes 6 and 45, which are national highways around Paldang Dam, 좋은뉴스
Connecting Paldang Dam Management Bridge
By navigation from Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do
Paldang Dam Management Bridge when searching for national roads or free roads
It was guided automatically.
Passage is limited to small vehicles only.
0.5 ton or more truck, 15-seater van
Two-wheeled vehicles, bicycles, and people are prohibited from entering
Closed from Monday to Friday from 18:00
Accessible from 18:00 on Friday to 24:00 on Sunday
Statutory holidays from 18:00 on the day before the holiday
It is available until 24:00 on the day of a holiday.
Paldang Dam Drive Course on weekends
Heavy traffic jam with oncoming vehicles
A little bit by using the Paldang Dam management fee
You will be able to avoid traffic jams.
I also used this
Traffic congestion due to Paldang Dam Management Bridge
It’s not that there isn’t, but rather than the other way around
There are few vehicles entering.
I always used it while driving in Yangpyeong.
If the Paldang Bridge Paldang Tunnel is boring
Please use the Paldang Dam management map.
It’s a pity that it’s only available on weekends and holidays
You will be able to meet another scenery.