여권번호 조회 Passport number inquiry

A passport is a must when traveling abroad.

When your passport expires or is lost

There is a way to check passport number

How to lookup your passport number online

여권번호 조회

You can check your passport number at Minwon24 여권번호 조회

After searching for Minwon 24 on the portal site, 좋은뉴스

Please enter the homepage


You can check various things on the Minwon24 website.

Copy of resident registration, move-in report, local tax payment certificate, medical certificate, etc.

If you register as a member in advance, you can use it usefully when you are in a hurry.

To search passport number, click Immigration Certificate

There are 4 ways to log in

Please log in with something convenient

It is easy to receive various documents, so it is also easy to sign up.

I guess it might not be too bad

After logging in, the following screen will appear

If you enter the date in the start date of record comparison, it will help.

When you log in, you must enter your public certificate or name and resident registration number.

As you enter, your name and date of birth will come out automatically.


Things to keep in mind when entering the record check start date

It cannot be on the same date as or earlier than the issuance date.

In the case of recent immigration records, from the date of last departure or entry

It can be issued after 2-3 days have elapsed.

Enter the date 2 to 3 days before the start date of the record check.

When you have entered all the details, click on Submit a complaint.

You can enter the password one more time with the public certificate.

If there is no immigration record, no special screen appears.

If there is a record, a document called proof of facts regarding immigration will be issued.

By clicking on the document, you can search for the passport number in the document.

Passport number lookup method is really simple and easy

I think it can be useful when you urgently need to look up your passport number.