국세청 고객센터 IRS Customer Center

IRS Customer Center Phone Number Information

Taxes really make my head hurt. I’m trying to check each one myself, so even if I try to call the IRS, it’s still busy, so I don’t know how many times I have to call.

국세청 고객센터


But since I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask someone I know well over the phone and proceed. 국세청 고객센터



If the company deposits a fixed salary, I can use it as it is. 좋은뉴스




The work that ordinary office workers pay attention to is the year-end tax settlement that is done every year in February. This is just a matter of printing out the consumption details, such as how much I spent on credit cards out of my income last year, at Hometex and submitting it to the company.



Then, the company’s finance department takes care of the process, so I think it’s really simple to use. However, there are a lot of procedures I have to do to report general self-employed people, freelancers, and global income tax.



Normally, I have to file a comprehensive income tax report in May. First of all, I need to add up my income last year and report it on the Home Tex site.



Right now, it’s really frustrating to solve this in the first place.



Inheritance tax, acquisition tax, registration tax, gift tax, etc. If you go deep into these taxes, it seems that there is no end.


First, I’ll go to the National Tax Service website. There are various corporate tax systems as well as information on year-end tax settlement.


And it would be nice to check various things such as simple taxation exclusion standards and fixed-term worker job postings.



You can check the National Tax Consultation Center by calling 126, and you can also check the number of people waiting in the civil affairs office.


While using Home Tex, you can check tax law consultation information, incentives, transfer income tax, and various data information on payment statements, cash receipt inquiry, and issuance while using Home Tex.


And if you want to check the video data about the year-end tax settlement, you can refer to the video.


In addition, by calling 126, you can connect to counselor number 2 through Home Tex consultation number 1, or connect with the counselor for inquiries about electronic tax invoices, issuance of certificates, and general tax documents.



You can do all kinds of information, such as other tax law-related consultations and various tax evasion. For other tax consultations, you can proceed with number 0.