1등급 가전 환급 1st class home appliance refund

How to apply for a refund for high-efficiency first-class home appliances: how to print transaction statements and receipts 10% of the product purchase price can be refunded to consumers who have purchased 10 high-efficiency, first-class home appliances, including refrigerators, kimchi refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, air purifiers, electric rice cookers, vacuum cleaners, and dehumidifiers. … Read more

간호조무사 자격증 재발급 Reissuance of Nursing Assistant License

Nursing assistant license reissued In the case of previous nursing assistants, the method of reissuing the certificate was slightly different because the issuing authority was in each city and province. In the case of offline, there was a way to visit the city, the issuing authority, and a way to visit the regional office of … Read more

환경교육사 국가자격증 Environmental Educator National Certification

Environmental Educator National Certification The Ministry of Environment and the National Environmental Education Center are recruiting participants for the National Certification Course for Environmental Educators to nurture environmental education experts. If you meet the qualifications, the country supports the cost of acquiring the qualification equivalent to 1 million won per person, and in the internship … Read more