보육통합정보시스템 사이트 Childcare integrated information system site

Go to the integrated child care information system site (cpms.childcare.go.kr)

The childcare integrated information system is a system that integrates and supports children’s education and care. It is an integrated system to manage children’s happiness cards, support parents’ childcare services, and increase work convenience for daycare centers and administrative agencies.


The main tasks of the child care integrated information system are 1) parent support system, 2) daycare center support system, 3) administrative support system, and 4) voucher support system. First of all, the homepage address is as follows. 보육통합정보시스템 사이트


Go to the integrated child care information system site: https://cpms.childcare.go.kr/loginF3.jsp 좋은뉴스


보육통합정보시스템 사이트



Childcare integrated information system main tasks

1. Parent Support System

– The parental support system provides information for the convenience of parents.


2. Daycare support system

– The daycare center support system is a system that helps the efficient operation of daycare centers.


3. Administrative support system

– The administrative support system supports the management of daycare centers, childcare fees, subsidies, and child happiness card management by local governments.


4. Voucher Support System

– The voucher support system is a system that effectively manages deposit management and voucher management through the financial payment network.


Homepage User Guide

– When accessing the childcare integrated information system site, you need to install a security program by default. After manually installing the program, you must restart the browser again.


-Available operating systems are Internet Explorer [8.0], Chromium Edge, Chrome[18], Firefox[18], and Opera[15].




customer service center
-For errors during program installation, call 1544-1204, and for childcare-related inquiries, call the Isarang Help Desk at 1566-3232 and press speed dial number 1 to connect directly.


Above, we learned about the childcare integrated information system shortcuts and main tasks.