이름으로 사람찾기 find people by name

In the midst of busy daily life, there are times when an old friend suddenly comes to mind. I was curious about the news of my close school friend, the teacher I liked, and the neighbor who lived next door, but it was harder to find than I thought. By the time I was in my 20s, Cyworld had become very famous, so I remember riding the waves and checking the current situation of friends of friends. Here are a few ways to find people by name that you can do at this point.

이름으로 사람찾기

There is a way to use SNS in a similar context to Cyworld. If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve probably tried it several times. If you do not use SNS, install it immediately and search for the name you are looking for. Even if it is the same person, you can check the information depending on whether the person’s information is disclosed. 이름으로 사람찾기


I think it would be easier to recognize if a profile picture was set. It is possible to find a person by name by analogy because it often exposes school, region, company information, etc. It can be a sure way to look at the friends who are active on the friend’s social media and see if there are other friends who are familiar with the name. 좋은뉴스


But right now, even in my case, I am on Facebook or Instagram, but I am not active while exposing my information. It seems that there is a high probability of failure if you try to find someone by name for someone like me who uses social media just because you want to see the current trend.


Have you heard of the expression Googling, one of the ways to find people by another name? Googling means searching for information on Google. If you search for a specific person’s name, sometimes you find an acquaintance. In the way I’ve done it, I’ve googled a friend whose name is a bit unusual among friends, and I’ve checked the friend’s information, such as whether the friend is active in a cafe under his or her real name or being searched for as the author of a paper.


However, it’s not as easy as you might think to google for just a plain name. So I think it would be a good way to search for ID in detail or search for other information together. If it is difficult to check by searching, you can also search by image, so please give it a try.


I’m sure those of you who are older know it, but there used to be a site called I Love School to find alumni. It can be seen as an SNS in the early days that had a positive function, such as finding a childhood friend and arousing nostalgia at the time, but various incidents such as infidelity due to sudden encounters continued. It seems that the site was operated until a few years ago, but it is said that it does not exist now.


So, when I thought about whether there was a similar kind of site, it reminded me of preparing for assignments or presentations by making meetings with Naver bands in college. In fact, it is said that you can find elementary, middle and high school alumni bands through Naver Band, so it would be nice to find them. Of course, it may be difficult because the degree of band activation varies from school to school, but I think it is possible to find people by name even through friends of friends.


For reference, men can also find comrades or bosses who served in the military through a site called Find Comrades. Other than that, if you’re looking for someone for a bad reason, such as fraud, you may be able to report it to the police. Because it is a method of finding the perpetrator by accepting cases, the purpose is different from the simple curiosity described above.


If you live hard day by day, even your current friends will drift away. After getting married and having a baby, I don’t know why it’s so difficult to contact you even if you see friend information on KakaoTalk. It would be nice to find a friend from the past as a memory when you were young, but I also think that it is better to take good care of friends who are in contact right away. In conclusion, finding people by name is not 100% possible, but I hope you will succeed by using various media.