혈액형 궁합 blood type compatibility

Blood type compatibility, which blood type is most compatible with type B?

Purples Cheongdam-dong Culture provides love compatibility by blood type, and last time we looked at blood type A compatibility. Type A people are known for their personalities that value mutual manners and courtesy. Type A boasts the best compatibility with blood types O, A, and AB, and this time, we will tell you about the blood type compatibility of type B.

B-types are not bound by formal values or interference, and express their opinions very clearly. They have a free mind and are interested in interesting objects with rich ideas. In addition, although he is not easily influenced by his surroundings and tends to be indifferent, he is very optimistic and has a lot of affection, so many people around him follow him. 혈액형 궁합

혈액형 궁합

Let’s find out in detail the blood type compatibility of type B! 좋은뉴스


If blood type B and blood type A are in a relationship, there is a high possibility that a quarrel will occur because of type B, which is close to the mood wave. It is said that type A people do not get angry easily and have a lot of patience, so there are many cases where they do not understand each other. Therefore, for a long meeting, it is important to understand and accept each other.

In the case of B-type and B-type blood type compatibility, dating is the most comfortable, and they do not interfere with each other, so they can start dating freely. However, you need to be careful that you can get into big fights over trivial things because you’re on the emotional side. If you feel sorry for each other, please think about it from each other’s point of view and try to understand.

The blood type compatibility between type B and type AB can be seen as ideal, and it is a good relationship in which you can rely on each other. Thanks to B-types who think of each other’s position first and stand by their sides, AB-types can also deliver good energy and maintain a comfortable relationship. It is a compatibility that can continue a happy relationship or marriage life because you do not have to tell the other person your requirements directly.

Lastly, the blood type compatibility of type O and type B is also very good, and it can be seen that they are well-balanced. Both blood types have good senses, so they don’t do or say things that the other person doesn’t like, and they are very considerate. However, both blood types are on the strong side of pride, so you need to be careful with what you say to each other, and you should be careful as a big fight can happen.

Today, we looked at the blood type compatibility of type B, and unmarried men and women of marriageable age should refer to the blood type compatibility discussed above to meet a precious relationship.