스팸번호 검색 spam number search

One-ring spam number search site, if you get scammed, your phone bill will be 1 million won?

스팸번호 검색

Beware of one-ring spam.
What would you do if an unknown number remained on your missed call list? Most people make phone calls unconsciously, without much thought. However, if you see this post, please do not do this. The reason I am saying this is because ‘one-ring spam’ scams are frequent. What is ‘one-ring spam’? 스팸번호 검색


One-ring spam is a fraudulent scheme that induces a phone call to ring only once and then hang up. The victim sees the missed call, calls again, and is charged 18 won per 10 seconds at the same time as checking the call. Due to these scams, there have been a number of recent cases where the amount of damage has reached more than 100,000 won, so please be careful and inform the people around you in advance to prevent damage. 좋은뉴스 




However, not all missed calls are one-ring spam. No, it’s more likely not to be one-ring spam. In this case, what is essential is the ‘one-ring spam’ check procedure. Fortunately, there are free sites that can check whether a call from an unknown number is one-ring spam or not.


Now, let’s look at where the One Ring spam number search site is and how to use it.


How to use one-ring spam number search



The website link is at the bottom of the post. Once you know how to use it, you can access it by clicking the link on the homepage.


1) When you access the homepage, there is a search box where you can enter a phone number on the first screen. You can filter out one-ring spam numbers by searching for numbers left as missed calls in this search box. Once you have entered the number, click the magnifying glass button on the right. ▼


2) As a result of entering a random number, it is written as a mobile phone advertisement in the ‘memo keyword’ field. First of all, you can see that this number is not one-ring spam, but just an advertisement number. In addition to this, you can find out the number of searches, the date of first registration, and station number information. ▼

3) If you click the prepaid phone/two number/leased phone number inquiry button on the top menu, you can check the prepaid phone and rental phone numbers. In the case of rental phones and prepaid phones, you must check them because they are often used for borrowed-name spam calls or fraudulent transactions. ▼

4) After searching, it says that it is likely to be spam. In this case, it is better not to call. ▼

Please note that you should not search your phone number or the phone numbers of people around you just because you are testing it. The moment you search, your number will be stored in that site’s database and you may be penalized.


One-ring spam free search site address
The name of a site where you can check one-ring spam numbers for free is missed-call.com. Click here to go to that site.


This post is about one-ring spam.

I hope this post was helpful to you.


thank you for reading.