크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

When you’re self-catering or don’t have time to do laundry or laundry, there’s no place like a laundromat. Of course, there are laundromats in every neighborhood, but they are busy too. There is nothing like a laundry-only franchise to do simple laundry quickly. This is a way to find the business hours of Cleantopia near your location. I’ll give it up tomorrow.

Cleantopia business hours
Cleantopia business hours
How to find Cleantopia business hours
Since life is so busy, it is difficult to find time to wash and wash alone, and especially, I need to do evil laundry, but if not, I have no choice but to leave it.
Occasionally, too little time may pass.
It’s a bit like working overtime and washing blankets at best, and on weekends, I just want to rest. Excuse~ haha 크린토피아 영업시간

크린토피아 영업시간

Find the opening hours of the nearest branch 좋은뉴스
First, search for Cleantopia and access the official website.
The address is www.cleantopia.com.


Click Store Locator on the top menu of the homepage.


You can search by area and select a map.
The groups shown on the map include laundry, convenience stores, coin laundry, unmanned laundry, Y-shirt sales, and collection and delivery.


The Cleantopia branch is shown on the right side of the map.
Click the nearest location with the mouse.


Click on the point marked on the map.
Detailed branch information is shown to the right of the marked branch.
Details such as phone number, business hours and payment service are listed.


Business hours are from 09:30 am to 10:00 pm on weekdays and from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm on weekends.
Of course, there are differences in the hours of each regional branch.