영풍문고 재고확인 Young Poong Bookstore inventory check

I haven’t read too many books in the meantime, so I read books that I haven’t read at home for a long time. Once I gain momentum, I don’t think there’s anything fun other than reading books all of a sudden. So I went to the bookstore to buy a book after a long time. There are also some unexpected books.

영풍문고 재고확인

These days, many people buy books on the Internet. It is said that offline bookstores are getting smaller or disappearing. 영풍문고 재고확인


That’s why the book stock has been significantly reduced compared to the past. Now, if you plan to purchase a book from an offline bookstore, checking the stock is a must. So today, let’s learn how to check the inventory of Youngpoong Bookstore. 좋은뉴스


If you search for Youngpoong Bookstore on the search portal, you can go to the website. The picture above is the homepage of Youngpoong Bookstore.


Please search for the name of the book you want to purchase in the search bar at the top.


I did a search through the books I had at home. I once bought a book called Warren Buffett Investment Notes to study stocks.


When you do a search, you will see a screen like the one above. Then proceed to the book purchase screen.


This is the purchase screen. Then, you can check the stock by clicking the button that says branch inventory and location at the bottom left.


As you can see, there are places where this book is not available in every branch.


We only have one copy each in stock. Let’s click on the branch that has stock.


This is the screen that appears when you click Youngpoong Bookstore Jongno Branch.


The current status of books organized inside the bookstore and the locations where they are in stock are also displayed.


This time, I searched for Venerable Pomnyun’s bestseller, the monk’s officiating speech. The title of the book makes it a bestseller. You can go to the book purchase screen.


As before, please click the Branch Inventory, Location button.


It’s definitely a bestseller, so we have a lot of stock and each branch has stock.


This is the current status of the bookshelves at the Busan NC branch. The display location is marked, so if you refer to it when you visit, it is a guide to find books conveniently.


So far, we have learned how to check the inventory of Youngpoong Bookstore. It is said that not many people read books these days. In particular, it is said that the amount of reading in our country is very low compared to other countries. I think there is nothing better for a person to grow than reading a book. I think it would be good to read at least one or two books a month. I hope this article will be helpful to those who want to buy a book at the bookstore.