두피 열 내리는법 how to get rid of scalp fever

Let’s look at information about how to get rid of scalp fever

The scalp, which refers to the skin that covers the head, not only plays a cosmetic role where hair is located, but also functions as a body temperature and senses, and serves to protect against UV rays, heat, cold, and external shocks. Scalp fever, as the name suggests, is a fever on the scalp. When the heat that should be discharged from the inside of the body to the outside cannot be discharged smoothly beyond the control function of the body heat, the excessive body heat spreads to the upper body and is transmitted to the scalp.


The occurrence of scalp heat like this will affect the function of the skin barrier and the mogeun-eul, and it will cause the deterioration of scalp health. In particular, prolonged scalp fever causes inflammation, itchiness, and abnormal symptoms of excessive sebum, and acts as a factor that causes hair loss. Therefore, it can be said that it is important to understand the factors that cause scalp fever and to block these factors. So today, let’s look at several ways to help get rid of scalp fever. 두피 열 내리는법

두피 열 내리는법


how to get rid of scalp fever 좋은뉴스



1. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits


Scalp fever is greatly affected by factors caused by wrong lifestyle, and it is said that eating habits account for a large portion among them. Excessive intake of greasy meats, foods, processed foods, and instant foods inhibits the flow of blood and causes scalp fever through an increase in body heat. Therefore, it is necessary to properly control the intake of these foods, and it is recommended to take a balanced intake of fresh vegetables and fruits that help balance body heat through improvement of blood flow. In addition, various foods such as nuts, seeds, legumes, seaweed, and whole grains are among the foods that promote scalp health and reduce scalp fever by facilitating blood flow to the scalp.




2. Stress control


Excessive mental and physical stress causes an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system and hormonal system, which increases scalp heat. In particular, it is known that hair loss caused by acquired factors is greatly affected by excessive stress along with irregular eating habits mentioned above. Therefore, it is recommended to properly control stress and to take sufficient rest, hobbies, and leisure activities to relieve accumulated stress.




3. Get enough sleep


While you sleep comfortably, waste products and by-products accumulated in the body are removed, and cells are regenerated to generate enough energy to work after waking up. Therefore, if you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism will be disrupted, and excessive heat will be generated in your body, causing an increase in scalp fever. Therefore, it is said that getting enough sleep for about 7 hours a day will reduce the heat of the scalp by dispersing excessive body heat.




4. Steady aerobic exercise


If the flow of blood in the peripheral blood vessels that carry blood to the extremity of the body is not done smoothly, it will cause the hyperactivity of metabolism, resulting in an increase in scalp heat. If you do aerobic exercise such as walking and jogging steadily, peripheral blood circulation can be smoothed out to distribute the heat from the scalp to the whole body, and it can help alleviate various physical symptoms caused by the heat from the scalp.




5. Half body bath


It is said that a half-body bath, a bath method in which you soak your body in warm water, can help reduce scalp fever. When you take a half-body bath, the constricted blood vessels are expanded and the flow of blood flow is effectively improved. And this same action causes blood convection in the upper and lower body, which has the effect of correcting the imbalanced body temperature inside the body and helps to distribute the heat from the scalp to the whole body. In order to get a good effect of this half-body bath, it is recommended to do it 2-3 times a week. However, if you take a half-body bath for more than 30 minutes, it will rather make your body lack of moisture and break the homeostasis of the human body, so 20 to 30 minutes is the most appropriate time zone.




6. Improve drinking and smoking habits


When you drink alcohol, it is desirable to properly control your drinking because it delays the synthesis of protein, which is the main ingredient of hair, at the same time as it brings the result of increasing scalp fever. In addition, not only drinking, but also smoking can be said to be important to limit the amount of blood supplied to the scalp to increase scalp heat and increase the possibility of causing hair loss.



We learned about several ways to help get rid of abnormal scalp fever. I hope that the various information introduced will help you a lot, and I hope you have a healthy and happy day today.