건설 근로자 공제회 퇴직금 Construction workers mutual aid association severance pay

You can find out how to receive your severance pay from the Construction Workers’ Mutual Aid Association on the website of the Construction Workers’ Credit Union. Daily and temporary construction workers can also receive severance pay upon retirement. The number of days worked at the site where you signed up for retirement deduction, deduction reserve, and interest are paid together.

건설 근로자 공제회 퇴직금

For those of you who are curious, here’s a summary of how to receive severance pay from the Construction Workers’ Mutual Aid Association.


✅ How to receive severance pay from Construction Workers’ Credit Union 건설 근로자 공제회 퇴직금

1. After accessing the website of the Construction Workers’ Credit Union, log in (identify yourself). 좋은뉴스


Go to the website of the Construction Workers’ Mutual Aid Association: https://www.cw.or.kr/index.do

Representative website of Construction Workers’ Mutual Aid Association

Providing guidance services such as introduction to mutual aid association, improvement of employment of workers, stability of living, welfare promotion, retirement deduction, business status, etc.





2. After selecting Retirement Mutual Aid Service on the main screen, click the Retirement Mutual Aid Application button.




3. The construction worker severance pay service is available after self-verification. Please log in after entering your name and social security number.



4. After logging in, enter the application form and register the required documents.



5. Required documents are as follows.
– 1 copy of retirement mutual aid payment application
– 1 copy of the applicant’s ID
– Documents proving application qualifications



6. The severance pay will be deposited into the account you applied for within 14 days after completing the application. If it is difficult to apply in person, you can also apply by visiting the Construction Workers’ Credit Union Center. Required documents for the visit are ID, a copy of the bankbook in the person’s name, and all required documents for each reason for resignation.

Check required documents for each reason for retirement> https://1122.cwma.or.kr/c_10/cnt/m_18/view.do
Check the branch center and location> https://www.cw.or.kr/contents.do?contentsNo=55&menuNo=42

7. The representative phone number of Construction Workers’ Credit Union is 1666-1122. Consultation hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. If you have any questions or problems while using the website, please contact us at the official number and we will kindly guide you.